Saturday, December 7, 2013

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Today we had a special day at school. Like every year we had St. Nicholas workshop and we were all very excited about that. Maybe it was because we didn’t have school, what was also fantastic, but mostly we were excited, because we love to make hand-made stuff and we can create things by ourselves. So, our day started at half past eight, when we came to school. We went to our class rooms and there we started with our work. I was in group with many girls and we were making candles. It was very interesting and we were very creative. When we didn’t have ideas we listened to music and we quickly got one. We made lots of candles and we were very proud. After that we cleaned up the room and then we went home. At five o’clock we came back to school and at that time we had Nicholas Fair and our parents and friends came to buy our hand-made things. They were also very proud and happy that we had a great day. Anamarija 9.b

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