Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Monday, January 19,2015

Today I went to school at 8:20. I didn’t have the first period so I just had fun with my best friend. Next there was Slovene and we got our tests back. We were writing the correction. After that we had Maths but I had to go to the dentist. Then we had Chemistry. It was really fun. After that we had History we got our tests back so we wrote correction again. Then we had Chemistry competition and when we were done we had to go back to class. For me that was Physics and we got our tests back and we were writing correction again for the third time today. After that I went to lunch with my best friends and went home. It was a really great day Jerca, 9.a

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Friday, January 16,2015

Today I went to school at 7:20. My first period was Geography. We wrote a small test about our country. Then we had Slovene for the first time this week. It was fun and kind of boring. After that we had a snack. We had pizza. After that we had Maths I got a 5. Next period was P.E we played volleyball. After that there was Chemistry it was fun. Then there was my favorite subject it was Biology. We had such fun. After that I went to lunch with my best friends and went home. It was a really great day Jerca, 9.a

Friday, January 16, 2015

Thursday, January 15,2015

Today I went to school at 8:20. Physics. We wrote a test. It was very hard. Then there was an English lesson. I had a presentation of blueberries. It is really fun during this kind of stuff for school. Next lesson was music class. We sang and talked about music after 2nd world war. In history class we talked about how did the 2nd world war affect people and states. After that I went to lunch with my best friends and went home. It was a really great day Jerca,, 9.a

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Wednesday, January 14,2015

Today I went to school at 8:20. My first lesson was at 8.30. Then I had biology. That is my favorite subject in school because we have a great teacher and it’s really fun. Today I had no idea what we talked about because we started something new and I didn’t get the lesson. Then we had English class. We talked about food and everything we have been talking for weeks now. I really like what we were doing at English lessons for the past weeks. Next lesson was Slovene. Our teacher is still not at school so we had the history teacher. I don’t think it was fun because we didn’t learn anything new. Then there was the last period Maths. I don’t like it but currently we are talking about similarities of triangles. It is easy because our teacher tells the things that we have to learn very easily. After that I went to lunch with my best friends and went home. It was a great day Jerca, 9.a

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Today school started at 7.40. First we had foreign languages, then we had a snack. After it we went to Math and we were doing some exercises. Then we had English and we were talking about food. Today we were talking about Menu and how to order in a restaurant. We also watched some videos. After that we had P.E and girls were playing volleyball. At physics B class wrote an exam and we are all waiting for the results. A class has test tomorrow. We are right before the conference and we are all working hard for school. We're all hoping for the best results. J.P.