Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Because this was the first time that we ended this early. So when it was the end of school, which by the way seemed longer than usually, I and four more of my friends went home, of course. What did you think? That we would stay at school longer, no thanks, we won’t miss that chance to go home so early. So, like I said the five of us went down to music school and then down the stairs near music school, but the most coolest thing was, that every driver, that drove by looked at us with that eyes: “ha-ha, they are “playing truant”! I would like to be teenager again that I could do that do that too…” or some looked like: “no,no,no, children today don’t even know why school exists. I have never done this when I was young. “And they drove past us. This was because we were walking away of school in a little group and it really seamed, that we were “playing truant” It was really funny, to watch all the "b" class ended school at 10:20. We were all very happy, and drivers will newer know the whole story. Anamarija 9.b

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