Thursday, June 5, 2014

Monday, May 26,2014

Today 10 girls from 9th class started new weekend at early 7.40. We got our exams back and we were really happy. Some girl even lost only a half of point. The whole first hour, we were checking our mistakes and teacher even checked 3 girls' knowledge. Then, the secound hour we were learning things that we will need in high school. After this, we joined other schoolmates for our breakfast. Then two groups had English and one Slovene. We had Slovene and we were doing some exercises, because we will write a test on 28th of May. Then we were all writing Math test, but just that we could check if we are doing all things right. After Math, our group had English. We were doing a lot of exercises in workbook. We also got some papers, that we will need in high school. Then we had Music. All teh boys had their presentations and they were all great. After that, we had Pshics (Fiziko). We got our exams back and some weren't happy about their garade. Today's day was happy and sad. But you know what they say: After the rain, there's always sun. Lea, 9.a