Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Monday, March 24, 2014

First on today's timetable at 7.40 was German. We were talking about different jobs. What do some people do at work, where do they work and so on. We had German for two full hours. Then we had a very good breakfast and got ready for next subject - Slovene. We were doing some exercises in workbook and wrote something in our notebook about our best poet France Preseren and our anthem Zdravljica. Next we had Math. We were all very nervous, because of the test. I think we will be all susscesful, because we were doing great in class. Then we had English and we were doing exercises and started new unit called Unit 3. After this we had Music and we had to sing for a grade. I realised that some of my schoolmates are really good singers. Last subject this day was Physics. We were learning about electricity and it was really fun. Lea, 9.a